


My It Pliage® Signature

The globally popular classic Le Pliage bag has taken an unexpected twist. Creative Director Sophie has introduced the My Pliage® personalized custom bag, which boasts a strong design sensibility! It’s so captivating that it sparks irresistible curiosity. My Pliage® Signature:…

Converse Tokyo Brings New Vibes!

Converse Tokyo: A brand tailored for the Japanese market, known for its unique designs. During a past summer vacation in Tokyo, I fell in love with their sleek and fashionable styles. Now, in Nagoya, I’ve spotted a Converse Tokyo store…

Rose Vanilla Chiffon at Café Acorite

Imagine a soft, tender cake that combines the richness of fresh cream, the delicate fragrance of roses, and the whimsy of a lollipop. This is the Rose Vanilla Chiffon Cake – a dessert that melts in your mouth and leaves…

From Kumamon Tram to Ark Hotel

My friends and I embarked on a delightful journey aboard the charming Kumamon Tram, winding our way to the historic Kumamoto Castle. Little did we know that Kumamoto, with all its allure, would reveal itself as a somewhat country treasure.…

Enjoy Japanese BBQ 赤穗屋

After having a late dinner of udon noodles, I found myself hungry again! In the outskirts of Kumamoto, most shops close early. But I was craving a midnight snack! Just a 5-minute walk from the hotel… I spotted the vibrant…

Retro-Style Coffee Shop 伴茶夢

Let me introduce you to a charming retro-style coffee shop right here in Tokyo, so you don’t need to travel all the way to Kyoto. Welcome to 伴茶夢“Banchamu” – a century-old coffee haven nestled near Meguro Station, Tokyo. 就在目白車站出口斜對面 頗有小街小弄風情的咖啡老舖。…

むてっぽう Mutepo Ramen Ikebukuro

Ikebukuro, known for its abundance of incredibly popular ramen shops, happens to be where my company always arranges my accommodations during business trips. As a result, I’ve meticulously compiled a list of numerous ramen spots extending all the way from…