Poom – Michelin Dining with a View of Seoul Tower

I discovered an impressive Michelin-starred restaurant in Seoul during my sixth visit. The food is delicious, locally sourced, and beautifully presented. Surprisingly, the restaurant is halfway up Namsan Mountain, near Seoul Tower. The rooftop terrace offers fantastic views, and a massive Buddha statue guards the entrance.

Fortunate to arrive during the twilight hours, the night has deepened, revealing the lanterns hanging from the ceiling with clarity. (Due to this, the photos in this article may appear dim, but I have no intention of brightening them through editing. The entire space exudes an atmospheric ambiance through the transmission of light!)

The ambiance here is indescribably nostalgic, yet the design exudes a distinct modernity. It evokes a fusion reminiscent of both Shanghai’s rich history and Hong Kong’s contemporary vibrance.

Poom Seoul, a prominent Korean character, serves as the English name for this restaurant. Located on the 4th floor of the elegant Sheds Annex, it proudly holds two consecutive Michelin stars in 2019 and 2020. When making a reservation, guests are required to pay the full amount upfront and select their main course. Poom Seoul offers dining options for both lunch and dinner.

Remember, advance reservations are a must! With only 8 tables available, the restaurant’s consistent Michelin recognition has elevated its popularity.

In this visually-driven era, the art of crafting style and surprise on a plate is an ongoing refinement for Michelin-starred restaurants.

The decorations and plating bouquets here are crafted from fresh flowers delivered daily from Dongdaemun Market.

The interior decor exudes a nostalgic Korean palace vibe, yet it seamlessly blends with a touch of avant-garde modernity. This restaurant boasts a unique and captivating ambiance.

The Restaurant adjusts their menus periodically based on the season and availability of seasonal ingredients.

Perched halfway up the mountain, the restaurant boasts breathtaking views. Gazing beyond Seoul, you’ll spot Namsan Tower rising above. The culinary offerings consist of exquisite Korean cuisine, and I eagerly anticipate savoring dishes crafted by the head chef using fresh seasonal Korean delicacies from both land and sea.

Our group, consisting of over 20 people, has exclusively reserved the entire restaurant. Paired with the restaurant’s top-tier culinary and wine offerings, each meal is accompanied by two carefully selected wines: a sparkling champagne and a choice of red or white wine.

They prioritize seasonal dining, utilizing the finest seasonal ingredients while clearly indicating their origin and quality.

Yam, mushroom, and soy milk cream soup, with its rich and aromatic broth, is delicately garnished with crispy fried pork skin, taro, and coconut shavings. Inspired by the concept of noble dietary wellness, this dish offers a modern reinterpretation of Korean cuisine.

Chef-curated creative dishes emphasize the sensory experience, ensuring that each course unfolds in layers. Take, for instance, the assorted fish stew: a meticulously crafted broth simmered over low heat, combining the richness of salmon, tuna, sea bass, cod, and eel. The result? A harmonious blend of abundant collagen and protein from these five exquisite fish varieties.

The next dish, surprisingly, is a top-tier seafood creation that diverges from the previous course dominated by fish. It features a medley of squid, giant clams, conch, and crab meat, all enveloped in a fragrant broth infused with spinach and carrots. The addition of ginkgo nuts lends a refreshing and layered quality to the soup.

The most intriguing dish is this one: it tastes like oyster and abalone meat formed into delicate dumplings.

Throughout the meal, the waitstaff consistently replenish your glass with sparkling water to keep your taste buds refreshed.

Yukhoe, a Korean raw beef delicacy, showcases the expertise of Korean culinary mastery. Paired with a specially crafted dried black truffle sauce, it harmoniously complements the dish’s silky texture with the earthy richness of yam.

Its tender, icy-cold beef is seasoned with a delicate sweet and tangy sauce that combines the flavors of pomegranate and plum. This unique blend elevates the freshness of the beef, creating a delightful and indulgent experience.

This dish showcases Michelin-level craftsmanship. It features a whole, fresh abalone paired with delicate scallops. The seasoning includes mushrooms, julienned burdock root, and a touch of Western rosemary. And the crowning glory? Freshly grated black truffle on top.

It is a highly popular dish at Poom Seoul throughout the seasons. While it appears to be a cold Western-style beef steak, it’s actually lightly heated raw beef made from carefully selected Korean beef. The intriguing part? Despite its seemingly chilled presentation, it defies expectations. Unlike the sizzling hot steaks typically cooked on a griddle, this dish is served at room temperature, resulting in a tender and springy texture. The finishing touch? A sprinkling of garlic-infused coarse sea salt on top.

While showering this restaurant with unparalleled praise, they conclude the meal with a luxurious stew that resembles the famous “Buddha Jumps Over the Wall” dish. This exquisite creation simmers in a rich fish bone broth, infusing flavors from ingredients such as sea cucumber, abalone, chicken, wood ear mushrooms, spiny lobster, Napa cabbage, and shredded bamboo shoots.

Each mouthful strikes a harmonious balance of complementary components, delivering a burst of delightful flavors.