Les Grands Arbres- Enchanting Treehouse Café: Awakening My Inner Child

During my childhood, I often fantasized about having a treehouse—a secret sanctuary where imagination could run wild. Little did I know that this longing for a treehouse would find fulfillment in the heart of modern Tokyo.

As I stepped into this treehouse café, it awakened a sense of wonder and nostalgia—a hidden treasure that had been tucked away in my heart since my youth.

Boarding the Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line, we arrived at the enchanting Hiroo Station, reminiscent of a miniature European corner in Tokyo. Perhaps owing to the presence of the Norwegian and French embassies nearby, along with two Japanese international schools, this area exudes a distinct European flair.

Join me for a stroll to the Treehouse Café! After ascending from Exit 3, turn left, and along the way, you’ll encounter several charming European-style bakeries and restaurants.

Along the way, you’ll also find several boutique clothing stores with a touch of European and American style.

Walk along the street for approximately 2 minutes, and you’ll come across Misakimaru Sushi. At this point, take a left turn into the alley. There, you’ll find a small parking lot, and right next to it is your destination.

Wow! It truly is a café nestled in a treehouse! When I first saw it, I remembered scenes from the Japanese drama “Dear Sister,” starring Satomi Ishihara and Nao Matsushita, filmed right here. Surrounded by lush trees, I assumed it would be in a remote location.

To my surprise, a mere 2-minute walk from Hiroo Station led me to this enchanting hidden paradise. A slice of utopia awaits!

Beside the entrance, nestled next to a grand tree, stands a charming wooden staircase. Adjacent to it, a small sign reads: ‘For safety, please be cautious when ascending or descending the stairs—children are prohibited from climbing.’ Truth be told, even as an adult, I found the steps rather steep. Balancing for a photo was quite the effort.

The café nestled in the treehouse is located on the third floor and goes by the name ‘Les Grands Arbres’, which translates to ‘big tree’ in French.

In fact, the first and second floors are home to a flower shop named ‘Fleur Universelle’, which carries the French implication of ‘flowers from around the world’.

From this angle outside, it’s immediately evident—the café is nestled under the shade of the large tree on the right, right next to the transparent glass window.

Amidst the whispers of grass and the fragrant embrace of flowers, I stepped into the flower shop. The space was adorned with wooden furniture and abundant greenery, exuding an elegant yet rustic ambiance. As I ascended the staircase slowly, a sense of tranquility enveloped me.

Upon reaching the second floor, my eyes were immediately drawn to a delicately decorated room behind a transparent glass door. To my surprise, it turned out to be a charming flower arrangement classroom, exuding an artistic and literary ambiance.

During this period, a variety of themed flower arrangement classes will be held, all taught by experienced instructors.

Continuing to ascend another flight of stairs, we reached the third floor, where a cozy coffee shop awaited.

The restaurant is not large, and the staff is not abundant, yet all the female servers are both beautiful and friendly.

Despite bringing along my two mischievous little rascals, they graciously reserved a spacious table for us. We found ourselves nestled in a serene and cozy corner.

My son ordered the limited lunch portion of Angel Hair Pasta, and it arrived with a luscious orange-pink sauce. Inside that rich sauce, there were generous chunks of salmon roe (also known as “ikura”), and the dish was topped with substantial pieces of salmon. To complement this delightful meal, we sipped on a refreshing bowl of clam chowder.

This salad is absolutely to my taste! I devoured two servings all by myself. It features a base of tuna sauce, tossed with generous portions of burdock root shreds, baby spinach, and sweet red bell pepper. This delightful little dish provides essential nutrients for the skin, including beta-carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin E.

By incorporating fresh organic vegetables and nuts as supplementary ingredients, you can boost your intake of fiber and vitamins.

This dish features plump, fresh tomatoes and onions, infused with fragrant herbs grown right in the restaurant. They all come together in a hearty Italian-style tomato chicken stew. And to complement this flavorful ensemble, I’ve paired it with the following dish: curry turmeric brown rice.

Let me tell you about the menu at this restaurant. Each dish is meticulously crafted by renowned culinary researchers (who also happen to be nutritionists). Now, let’s talk about the star of the show: that little bowl of potato-based broth at the back. Despite its modest size, it lacks the typical fishy odor associated with chowder. Instead, it’s infused with just the right amount of fragrant spices. Pure comfort in a bowl!

With every main course, you get two side dishes of nutrient-rich, high-fiber vegetables. No wonder it’s such a hit among modern women!

The restaurant was filled with elegantly dressed ladies, except for my two boys from home who stood out amidst the feminine charm.

The treehouse showed up! From the café’s side door on the third floor, all guests are welcome to enter, linger, and take photographs freely.

After climbing up, I realized that the treehouse could actually accommodate people. If I were alone, I would definitely order a cup of coffee or tea, along with a serving of the signature pancakes from the café, and spend a leisurely afternoon there.

When leaving, I discovered this café, which was already Instagram-worthy from the outside. Whether lingering by the staircase or elegantly stepping out from inside, any candid snapshot would turn into a beautiful, artsy photo.

Click to see more of Les Grands Arbres