Bravo grilled cheese rice in a cafe

This afternoon, my friends and I eagerly visited the Marinoa City Outlet in Fukuoka. Here, you’ll find a wide selection of beloved Japanese and Western brands. The entire outlet area is spacious, and by the time it was past 4 p.m., our legs were protesting, and our stomachs were growling hungrily.

After spending quite some time exploring my favorite French brand, Aigle, I’ve accumulated quite a few purchases. But now, my legs are weary, and I’m craving a cozy spot to rest. Lucky for me, this place boasts an abundance of renowned restaurants. I’m on the hunt for a café with a delightful ambiance – perfect for settling in, sipping coffee, and having a leisurely chat.


At that moment, I happened to be right next to Peach John, and I spotted a warehouse-style coffee shop that’s been gaining popularity in Japan recently. This café exudes sophistication and quality.

The shop’s name is KURASHIKI. For lunch, I had just a small bowl of Sanuki Udon noodles and a scoop of Baskin-Robbins ice cream. But when I glanced at my watch and saw it was already past 4 p.m., I decided to tackle both afternoon tea and dinner in one go! 

The Christmas is coming!

Seeing the skilled baristas freshly brewing coffee fills me with delight. As I approach the counter, the entire space is enveloped in the rich aroma of coffee! It’s been ages since I last witnessed the traditional siphon-style coffee brewing~

For coffee enthusiasts, only the siphon brewer has the power to extract every nuance from coffee beans – from their layers and fruity acidity to their rich, full-bodied intensity!

When brewing coffee with a siphon coffee maker, there are several key points to keep in mind: water quantity, water quality, timing, coffee grounds’ amount and coarseness, stirring, and brewing time.

I must admit, it’s a bit embarrassing! The real reason I stepped into this shop wasn’t for the coffee, but rather for the baked rice dish displayed enticingly in the glass window.

In just a brief 7-8 minute wait, we secured a table. Even as evening approached, the stream of coffee enthusiasts continued unabated.

Once you’ve savored coffee brewed from a siphon coffee maker, you’ll undoubtedly fall in love with its robust and aromatic flavor. And the freshly brewed siphon coffee served right before your eyes is the highlight and charm of this place!

For coffee enthusiasts, only the siphon brewer has the power to extract every nuance from coffee beans – from their layers and fruity acidity to their rich, full-bodied intensity!

We were fortunate that the two of us girls were assigned to this quiet corner seat.

The most sought-after seats are the ones near the kitchen. From there, you can watch the baristas expertly brew siphon coffee, and just catching a whiff of the aromatic coffee scent makes it worth every penny!

The low-profile leather seat cushion is not only comfortable to sit on but also ergonomically designed to support the human body.

The mosaic-style thick glass pendant light, with its interlocking colorful blocks, adds a touch of brilliance to the otherwise classic and understated coffee-toned ambiance.

My bread-loving friend loses all self-control when she lays eyes on this! The piece of bread in the photo appears crispy and perfectly baked, satisfying our current cravings.

After perusing the menu, I’m convinced that this place is perfect for breakfast! Imagine sipping a siphon-brewed coffee alongside a soft-boiled egg, all complemented by toasted bread—and the best part? It’s only 370 yen!

Just in time! The long-awaited baked rice has finally arrived at the table! The rich brown meat sauce and the oozing golden cheese blend together to create a timeless and delectable dish.

The crispy French bread is served alongside a generous layer of thick cheese, blended with a touch of beaten egg. Once baked to perfection, it’s generously sprinkled with coarse black pepper.

I opted for the baked rice set menu, and it came with a side salad drizzled in Italian vinaigrette. To top it off, they generously sprinkled my favorite crispy bread croutons on the salad.

If it weren’t for the fact that drinking coffee after 4 PM keeps me awake, how could I possibly miss out on the warehouse-style siphon-brewed coffee? So, I opted for a cup of decaffeinated hot yuzu tea—a sensible choice.

The entire meal set has arrived!

Unable to resist any longer! I deftly pull the bottom layer of rice upward, seamlessly intertwining it with the melting cheese on top, creating delicate strands.

The intense heat from the ceramic gave me the strength to effortlessly blend this pot into a more decadent and flavorful version of a stringy baked rice, akin to a pizza. And guess what? You can distinctly taste the beef in the meat sauce—it’s truly the most affordable luxury delicacy!

The exciting moment has arrived! My friend decided to share the bread with me, cutting it in half. The sound of the knife slicing through the bread confirms that it’s perfectly crispy from baking!

After slicing it open, I discovered that it contained ham and onions, all wrapped in a thick layer of cheese and brushed with a touch of beaten egg…

Paired with the baked rice, the combination of various layers of cheese in this dish is truly indescribably delightful!

Indulging in either baked rice or an iced drink is the ultimate pleasure! As soon as this cup of Assam iced milk tea arrived, I couldn’t resist and had already consumed half of it before snapping a photo!

The paper coaster feels surprisingly tactile, despite being made of paper. Its substantial weight, thicker than other materials, prompted me to take it home as a keepsake for decoration.