When Vanilla Latte + Mochi Pancake

Today we visited the boutique street at Regent Taipei Hotel. There’s a great champion coffee shop here. It’s already 4 PM, so I doubted if I should drink coffee now. Anyway, we’re heading down to it.

So, as soon as we got off the escalator, there it was – 4 MANO CAFFÉ X CLASSIC right on B2 of the Regent Taipei. It’s this coffee joint co-owned by two champion baristas. If you’re lucky, you might catch them working there.

Even though it doesn’t have its own fancy indoor space, you can still feel that stylish vibe rubbing off. It makes you want to sit down and have a cup of coffee. The heart and soul of the whole place is the counter where they whip up the meals.

The small globe is the only decoration, symbolizing that you can enjoy great coffee without traveling around the world!

Close to the seating area are boutique street and shops, creating an indescribable sense of style.

In the corner, there are seats for two to three people, perfect for girlfriends to chat and catch up.

My friend said, “You guys gotta try their pancakes!” So, we ordered their signature “Honey Whipped Cream” flavor.

I actually wanted to try a single-origin coffee, but since it’s getting late in the evening and I don’t want to be too wired at night, I decided to go with anoter popular choice “Vanilla Latte”.

The delicate swan latte art greeted us with a delightful aroma, accompanied by hints of vanilla, like a beautifully crafted coffee perfume.

The coffee cup was served along with a slate board, which had a special design to insulate and keep the coffee warm. Drinking directly from the glass cup didn’t burn my hands at all. The milk foam had a velvety texture, and it was slightly sweet, making it delicious and aromatic to sip.

If you’re looking to warm up, try a cup of Kahlua orange liqueur coffee! Its subtle sweet orange liqueur aroma and warm, slightly intoxicating sensation make it heavenly delicious! It’s smooth and delicate, truly living up to its classic status.

Here comes the star – a mochi pancake, circular like a flower petal, topped with longan honey and whipped cream in the center.

The whipped cream is made fresh by the barista every day, using fresh milk.

As I took a bite, oh my goodness! The legendary Japanese mochi, embedded in that rich, eggy aroma of the pancake. It left a lasting impression as a delightful dish! The mochi and the pancake merge into one, yet retain their individual textures; soft and chewy.

Don’t forget to dip it in the whipped cream! I haven’t tasted such delicious pancakes anywhere else.